Tuesday, January 26, 2016

More Mild-Mannered, Never Dull January Sorting Part 2

This month, I'd been pondering public transportation in my little village of Oakbrook. I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I can take my PC and try out some shopping. I'll be sure to blog about it when I do. No, still no pics, haven't gotten the cable yet.

Still studying through on Dorothea Brande's “Becoming a Writer”, free, online.
I've gotten more serious about daily writing times and it's been going in fits and starts. Exercising daily (except Sunday)and drinking more water. Mindfulness is what I need and long for and it's always right here/there staring me in the face but I don't always remember.
If I get distracted or ignore self-care I can feel it by the next day. I've had to cut back on FB time and get the right amount of sleep, nine hours. With the weakening muscles affected by the MD, everything takes more effort. I'm eating balanced like a pot of turkey chili that lasted all month. Spinach salad with a minneola orange inspired this little bit of prose that's wanna be haiku or poetry.

Remembering parfait clouds yesterday evening,
I was making spinach salad. My minneola orange
was a uterus and cervix.

David Bowie's passing this month had me, like most other rockers listening to our favorites. Mine was “Let's Dance” with the lyric “under the moonlight, the serious moonlight”. I copied out all the lyrics, just in case. Never know when you'll run into a musician who can play them. That would be fun.

This month I read “The Revenant” by Michael Punke, who I was surprised to find out was Deputy United States Trade Representative AND U.S. Ambassador AND Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland. I know the movie is out and I think the scenery will be engrossing. I hope they depict the bull boats and did you know beavers are called kews. Or were. 

Here's the Disabilities Studies Reader online again. I need to be reading more of it soon.

Revelation for me this month in relating to people outside my family: Don't trust people until they've earned it and shown they are trustworthy. I've always been trusting until they show they're not trustworthy. I've had it ass-backward all these years. I have to be careful in the beginning of things because I tend to gloss over signs.

Won't blame it on the chili.

I'm glad I live on the edge of woods. Pretty deep, swampy pine woods. When I was a kid, the ground was all sand, the pines were not that tall and I don't remember swamp. Now the ground is covered in feet of pine and oak mulch. I can't walk down into it because there's a deep drop off and no path. Wouldn't it be nice to have a friend who wanted to make me a path for the PC? “Oh, by the way dear, I saw you looking at the woods longingly and I know you used to enjoy time there as a child, so I'm making you a path, then you can wheel there anytime you want." Swoon.

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