Sunday, November 1, 2015


I'm desperate to get this on my blog. It should have already been up, or at least I wanted it to be.
If you believe in time, as I do because it doesn't believe in me and goes on anyway, I wanted to be regular about publishing.  Maybe it's because I'm learning how to pay my dues. All my learning leads to more questions and more understanding that this is something I've got to do because I want to. For me. Wanted it to be more polished. Without further ado; literature, music and current events.

What do I need to be doing? Writing needs to be universal, that's what Azar Nafisi says. This writing is art. What did James Baldwin say? Go back to your roots, the beginning and tell the truth the way it should be.

Azar Nafisi wrote “The Republic of Imagination”. In it, she forms a river tributary that shows her love of learning about Life and her love of books folding in some literary criticism. What is literary criticism? When you talk about books with conscience and heart.

This month, we had our 1000 year heavy rain storm, my step-dad Bob just came over with the 20 ft. ladder, leaned it against my back porch and climbed onto my roof to look for any damage. He's 84. 
He's crotchety and hard to talk to, so I don't talk that much. Just wondered out loud if the roof was steel. He says it is. “That's a roof on a roof”. I asked if it was about 20 yrs old, he says no, more near 12 or so. He climbed down shakily, moved the ladder down onto the ground, picked it up and walked around the back of our places behind his fence to his back gate to get the ladder home. He carried it in his right hand and I know that ledge behind our places isn't that wide so I worried about him sliding down into the drop off into our swamp. But he was ok. I found out later that he'd built up the ledge, making it more of a wide walkway. 

Music that James Baldwin liked. Bessie Smith was his all-time favorite muse. Her voice carries him through the writing of "Go Tell It on the Mountain" and "Another Country". He was also quite fond of Billie Holiday, Miles Davis and John Coltrane. He and Ray Charles performed together once as well, on a one-night only Carnegie Hall event.

Https:// Music James Baldwin was involved in.

Ever noticed how Baldwin's voice sounds like Maya Angelou's at times?

Letters to a Young Contrarian” by Christopher Hitchens. There was a good line last night; ...the moment of near despair is quite often the moment that precedes courage rather than resignation. (pg.86) 

Any way, I'm very unsatisfied with this as it comes out of 25 other pages for October. And I left out credit to the name of the man I met on FB who took the time to share Baldwin's musical tastes with me. Thank you. But I've learned that I need to focus my writing down onto things I'm reading, watching, and listening to and how it comes out in my life. Further credit to my friend Trisha Geiger who helped with editing. It's not her fault I jump around so much.

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